Talks and presentations

1st Place in the 2023 nuPlan Planning Challenge

June 18, 2023

Talk, CVPR Workshop End-to-End Autonomous Driving: Emerging Tasks and Challenges, Vancouver

I am thrilled to announce that our team CS_Tu won the 2023 nuPlan Challenge! It was an amazing journey to team up with Daniel Dauner and Kashyap Chitta. I will be at the upcoming CVPR Workshop on End-to-End Autonomous Driving to present our work. I am excited to find out more about other teams‘ ideas and findings. If you’re attending CVPR, I would be happy to meet you in person and discuss our experiences!

From Prediction to Planning with Goal Conditioned Lane Graph Traversals

January 30, 2023

Talk, CS Group Tuebingen, Zoom

The field of motion prediction for automated driving has seen tremendous progress recently, bearing ever-more mighty neural network architectures. Leveraging these powerful models bears great potential for the closely related planning task. In this talk we propose a novel goal-conditioning method and show its potential to transform a state-of-the-art prediction model into a goal-directed planner. Our key insight is that conditioning prediction on a navigation goal at the behaviour level outperforms other widely adopted methods, with the additional benefit of increased model interpretability. We train our model on a large open-source dataset and show promising performance in a comprehensive benchmark.

Multimodal Prediction and Planning for Autonomous Driving

September 19, 2022

Talk, CS Group Tuebingen, Zoom

Autonomous driving is a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to transform transportation. Multimodal prediction and planning are crucial for enabling autonomous vehicles to navigate complex traffic scenarios safely and efficiently. In this talk an overview of recent advances in multimodal prediction and planning for autonomous driving is given.